Sunday, November 29, 2015

Baby found in a hole.(Alejandra Hernandez 6th period)

Summary: In Los Angeles, California there was a newborn child found in a hole, crying and very cold. The baby is in now stable conditions. Authorities say abandoning a child is becoming more and more frequent. That these people are often alone, have no one to turn to, and aren't ready to have a child, so they abandon the baby instead.

Analysis: I think its wrong to abandon a child. No matter the situation. What these people did is wrong, however if you aren't ready to take care of taking a child, there is always a better way. Authorities said there are organizations that are willing to take care of a child, you can't have. Still this was a lot more often when there weren't any birth control/ condoms. However now there is a higher rate of rape and people don't have resources to birth control the abandonment of babies is becoming more frequent.


  1. Its really sad because child abandonment truly is becoming more frequent. It is also mind boggling that people would actually drop babies off in random places instead of at a foster home. | Jillian Linnear P.8

  2. I agree with Jillian. If the baby is unwanted, it should be taken to a foster home. Abandoning babies is an irresponsible and selfish move.
