Sunday, November 29, 2015

Buried Alive - Max Gaddis 9th

Friday afternoon, Evangelinea McReary and Angelica Blount were taking a walk on a bike trail in Compton, Los Angeles and Evangeline heard a baby crying. They stopped to look for the sound and discovered a newborn baby girl in a crack in the cement on the side of the trail, covered with loose debris. They called 911 and the deputy pulled her out and described her as being "cold to the touch". She was determinded to be between 24-36 hrs old. She is now hospitalized in stable condition as authorities try to figure out who she is and who left her there. The police would like to remind the public that you may drop off your newborn child at any fire department, police station, or hospital within 72 hrs of their birth and you will not be charged with any child related crime and the child will be taken care of, no questions asked. The person who did this to this baby girl, however, will be charged with appropriate crimes.

This is sad that someone would do this to a newborn who cannot fend for itself. The person should have at the very least put the child in a visible area, not a ditch. Or they could've just left the hospital without them instead of taking them outside and ditching them somewhere potentially dangerous and, at this time of year, extremely cold.

In history, there have been a lot of "baby Moses" situations where it was not safe for a mother to keep her child, such as when the Pharoh of Egypt ordered all the Hebrew boys to be killed, or when China had the one-child policy. There is actually a baby Moses law and the police actually described in this situation where you can drop your baby off at a designated safe place and no questions are asked.

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