Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Woman jailed for not returning 2005 video rental - Ed Kumar

Kayla Michelle Finley spent the night in jail for not returning  a VHS  tape from 2005.
The movie, "Monster-In-Law," starring Lopez and Jane Fonda as a feuding potential daughter- and mother-in-law, was rented from a video store, Dalton Videos, that is now out of business.
The WYFF report says Finley was at the county sheriff's office on another matter when an active warrant for her arrest was discovered. Chief Deputy Creed Hashe told the station that the store's owner had asked a Pickens County judge for the warrant years ago when Finley didn't return her video."
Finley spent the night in jail with a 2000$ bond to get herself out. The owner had claimed to send multiple letters , all of which Finley had never received supposedly. She said that after renting the movie she had to move out of state because of her husband's job, and that she simply forgot.

This is just ridiculous but so hilarious, Im so thankful for netflix. I dont know who even had a VHS in 2005? Wasn't Blueray already out? We are growing up too fast... :(


  1. This is horrible! Cruel and unusual punishment, we could fight this lets go!

  2. That isn't a cruel or unusual punishment. I just think it's a little funny. It isn't right in my mind though.

  3. Please tell me this was a small town because no one else would waste their time on something so trivial. -Nana Johnson p2

  4. Personally I think this is really absurd. Like seriously? Its a damn movie! From 2005!

  5. Wow the night in jail thing was totally unnecessary. A fine I get, sure, but jail?
