Sunday, February 23, 2014

Claire Zimmerman: Dogs Help Mourners

A funeral home in Iowa has decided to try something that is truly genius: have a dog that is a part of the funeral home that helps cheer the mourners up. The golden-doodle, known as the "...ambassador of grief...", will sit with the families when their waiting. The dog is supposed to be used as a means for conversation starters between a family, because after the loss of a loved one sometimes it's hard to talk to anyone. With this furry guy around, it brings a sense of happiness to the room, and the people can reminisce about old times, like if they used to have a dog or something of the sorts. This canine- companion has also been taught to kneel down until it hears the word "amen." So it's sort of the only dog that can pray.

I thought  this was a heart felt article. The presence of dogs (and cats, for cat people) can be a very soothing and even therapeutic thing for people. I remember at senior showcase, all the seniors were stressed out, and someone brought puppies in and everyone forgot their worries and were just focussing on the little fuzz-balls in front of them. Animal presence brings peace to people, and using dogs to help soothe people mourning the death of a loved one is a perfect idea. It's difficult to deal with deaths of people around us: we want some comfort. What better comfort is there than a sweet dog? I cannot believe that there are only two funeral homes in Iowa that implement this idea. It would bring me personally great comfort to have a dog there when dealing with a death. I think this idea could not only work with dogs, but cats, too. It is more work on the funeral home directors, I understand, but it will pay of a lot for the people who unfortunately require their services.

1 comment:

  1. Dogs and cats have a wonderful innocence and unwavering unhappiness that brings joy to almost anyone. We can learn from dogs that there is always a happy, positive side to occurrences in life and that it is important to forget (temporarily) about all of the complications and anxieties that are present in life and just focus on keeping things simple.
