Monday, February 24, 2014

Got milk? By: Taylor Grant-Gates

 We all know of that infamous tag "Got Milk" well that tag is soon to be no more. The heads if the company decided that it was time for a new start. The 'Got Milk' only featured celebrities in its ads. The company stated that they wanted to show that drinking milk was so cool that even the celebrities drank it. Now the new phrase is "Milk Life." It depicts the normal, or ordinary person enjoying milk instead of the celebrities. 

I personally think that this is a good thing. We live in a society that puts things on a pedestal if celebrities do it. Now the company can show that the normal person can be "cool' and drink milk, even if celebrities don't. This is a nice start to a new era of advertisement. I just hope that everyone is ready for the ride. 


  1. I agree that it will be a good change for a company to take a more personal approach to their customers. Sure, it looks cool to have a celebrity endorse your product, but people like relatable ads that they can connect with too.

  2. I get what you mean, but to me it sounds kind of cheesy you know? It's like that cheerios commercial. "Hey must be the honey!!!". They turned a song about smoking and drinking into a cereal jingle lol. Milk Life sounds like Thug life lol. Again I totally agree about having ordinary people drinking milk, they just need to keep the slogan.

  3. I think the new line is funny. I agree with the Thug life comment.

  4. I don't think that this is more or less effective than before. It's pretty cool that they are having regular people in these ads, but think about it, almost every advertisement has regular people. I kinda liked seeing the celebrities with the milk mustaches...
