Friday, February 28, 2014

Khelsey Gamble (March 3) Anti Gay Bill Georgia (Ughh)

In the wake of many advances in human rights, another state has joined the fight to continue to discriminate against the LGBT community. IN Georgia, they are trying to pass the anti-gay laws that were trying to be pushed in Arizona, which were struck down. Georgia is in the deep south, so something like this is not unexpected. The bill could make it possible for pharmacist to turn don HIV patients, and restaurants could refuse service to homosexual couples. If this bill passes, it will be a step back for the LGBT community.

I HATE when people try to oppress people, simply because they do not agree. If gay people aren't hurting you, why in the hell do you feel the need to try and stop them from living their lives? It's thinking like this that baffles me. I hate this bill so much, and I'm glad it was vetoed in Arizona. Why can't people just be left alone. If I want to go out and eat with my woman partner, let me do that! I swear, people seem to think they can just get in everyone's business. Leave these people alone, and let them live their gosh darn lives. (I'm not gay btw, I made it seem that way with the restaurant thing. And even if I was gay, I wouldn't mind:))

1 comment:

  1. Bills protecting religious freedoms = homophobic bigotry.
