Sunday, February 23, 2014

Dalai and Obama sitting in a tree di-scu-ssing-how-to-be-free! byImaniP5

Our President, Barack H. Obama, held "low key" discussions with the Dalai Lama at the White House , against Chinas strict warnings. China tells Obama to stay away from the "Wolf in sheep's clothing", claiming the Dalai Lama intends on using violence to establish an independent nation. Obama, though concerned for the US's trade ties with China, is a sturdy supporter of Cultural and Religious freedom and of course could not stand down to his core belief and the belief of the American People because of a strongly worded caution letter.

China called our actions out as overstepping our friendship boundaries with them. To me this is a crucial step in building any relationship. The only difference is that political time is a field slower than person to person relationship growth. I think in terms of doing the "right" thing, he did, but for our security with China, who knows if they will react according to their messages.

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