Monday, February 24, 2014

Veronica Jones: Students, say goodbye to snow days -- and say hello to school at home

With all the extreme weather this year, school districts are thinking of new ways to make up for lost class time. One of them is virtually. By setting up websites, youtube channels, and live streams, teachers are able to help out students during inclimate weather days. The districts who are enforcing it are getting pretty good reviews from parents and some are even suggesting this might put an end to the snow day and school districts seem thrilled.

Look, I understand that in times when students are stuck in their houses for a week you need to make up for class time somehow, but I don't think this system should be used for every snow day. I like the idea of having online school on occasion when weather days are becoming too much, but the problem is that most school districts the article sites are small ones. It's easy to set up this kind of system when there are only 500 students in the entire school, but major school districts would probably have trouble both getting students online and listening. Let's face it, in this day and age not everyone has a computer they can access for the entire length of a school day and not every kid wants to get online and do homework. Also, students need days off and although they have weekends, students need random sudden days off where they don't have to worry about school more than anything. In a time where the pressure is on more than ever to strive for absolute perfection, it's nice to have a day where none of that matters. Don't you think.



  1. Every time there is a inclement weather day, my power goes out. I wonder if they considered that into their plan.

  2. I am with Gloria. Power outages could be a major problem and possible loophole with this new plan.
