Tuesday, February 18, 2014

84 Year old nun sentenced to 35months for a nuclear break in - Ed Kumar 5th

"In May, a federal jury in Knoxville, Tennessee, found Sister Megan Rice; Greg Boertje-Obed, 57; and Michael Walli, 63, guilty of destroying U.S. government property and causing more than $1,000 in damage to federal property."

The three cut through a chain link fence surrounding  the Y-12 National Security Complex in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, then cutting three more fenses, breeching what is supposed to be the most tightly secured uranium processing and storage facility in the countrywas not until hours later that a guard finally confronted the activists who, by then, had hoisted banners, spray-painted messages and splattered human blood on a building that houses highly enriched uranium.
"They're at peace about this. They're peacemakers, and they knew that they risked this," Joe Quigley, attorney for Walli, told CNN affiliate WATE in May after their trial. "Nobody is happy to go jail, but they understand."

Anaylsis: WWOOOO 84 year old peace activists, awesome. It sucks that she is sentenced to 35 months though, although she knew what she was getting herself into. Way to stick it to the man. Or woman? Anyways This story is interesting and I love the message they attempted to convey.


  1. Byron Otis- Of course, anything mentioning nuns is something I need to comment on. Yaay, activist nuns! I love it when a woman in a habit takes a stand. However, I'd love to know exactly what they were protesting about the plant? Merely that it stored uranium. And human blood? How did they get that? It's difficult to mention that and not elaborate.

  2. Tyra Harris, 5th period

    What message were they trying to convey by destroying expensive government property? There are other LEGAL ways in displaying your disapproval for something in this country, i.e. protesting and starting a petition. They deserve to be jailed for this misconduct.

  3. I am not sure what they were protesting but venture to disagree with you, Tyra, on the general assertion that legal protest is the only protest. Throughout history, civil disobedience has been one of the most effective and humane types of protest. In the words of St. Augustine "an unjust law is no law at all."
