Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Nana Johnson p2 -Teachers Make Up for Lost Time After Snow Days

Severe winter weather has caused many schools across the US to declare a high amount of snow days. Some states have missed more than 20 days. In Georgia, where they don't usually have a lot of winter weather, they are having a hard time trying to figure out how to make up for all those missed school days. Although adding days to the end of the school year is a common solution, it doesn't help teachers who are preparing students for state-mandated tests and AP exams. One teacher says that instead of placing a huge load of work on the students, they should use the internet to keep up communication. Electronic methods are helpful even when there aren't snow days. They also advise to keep a positive attitude so the students won't react negatively. Studies say that inclement weather days don't affect student achievement, and its mostly how the information is presented.

Analysis: All I could think while reading this article was how grateful I was to live in Dallas, where I could sit outside all day without a sweater. As much as I like having inclement weather days, I'm glad we didn't have to go through that. The school year is hectic enough on our normal schedule, anything more would definitely throw me off, mentally. I agree with the teacher saying that classes should communicate through the internet. It's certainly much more helpful and efficient to have easy access to information and resources for school.


  1. I am also very grateful to live in dallas. I don't think we realize how fortunate we are.

  2. DAllas is beautiful we should all be grateful
