Monday, February 24, 2014

Chick-fil-A employees help parents find runaway teen - Hannah Selby 4th

A few Chick-fil-A employees from Florida have been credited with helping a couple locate and return their runaway daughter.  USA Today reported that the couple - Steve and Tammy Harp - found a note that their 16-year-old daughter Kaitlyn left, stating that she had run away with a 19-year old she'd met online.  The Harps discovered an Instagram picture of the couple, in which the man was wearing his Chick-fil-A uniform shirt.  So, the couple went to the nearest Chick-fil-A in Jacksonville to inquire about the man to see if anyone had seen the couple or if he worked there.  The store got in contact with another Chick-fil-A, and posted the instagram picture on Facebook in order for Chick-fil-A's across the state to see the photo.  Before long, a manager in Winter Haven named Elio Florin identified the man, called the Harps, and told the man to have Kaitlyn call home.  Florin personally drove 200 miles out of his way to return her to Jacksonville.  "Tears were shed in our driveway this morning," reported Tammy Harp to USA Today. According to everyone, Florin played quite a huge part in rescuing the girl and returning her back home.  Tammy stated that Florin wouldn't sleep a wink before that girl was home safe and sound.

Many thanks to such goodhearted and helpful Chick-fil-A employees for going out of their way to help retrieve the Harp's runaway daughter! I'm glad to hear that Kaitlyn is safe and sound and that she's been rescued from being harmed or from creating pain for herself.  She's far too young to go running off with some guy she'd met on the internet - this world is crazy, they're both young and inmature, and you just never know what could happen.  I also think that what the Chick-fil-A employees did was admirable and is a good reminder that life isn't all about ourselves - we should go out of our way to care about the safety and happiness of others more often as well.


  1. WOW! I use to live in Jacksonville, Florida and this is just incredible! I know the girl must be feeling so small and betrayed but how amazing of a move by a Chick- fil- A employee

  2. That's great that the girl was able to make it back home.
