Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Sam Schwall- Here's What Happens when Thousands Play Pokemon Together- 1st period

            I read the article, Here’s What Happens When Thousands Play Pokemon Together by NPR Staff from The story looks at a social experiment by video platform, Twitch where there is a live stream of tens of thousands of online players controlling one game of the original Pokemon video game. Beyond a humorous idea this project shows that even when chaotic people band together and move in the same direction. While it may seem impossible, players have gotten through almost half of the game.

            This is a bit light-hearted perhaps but I think it is a current event in that it explains a franchise’s effect on society and is telling of human nature. As more players play, the harder it gets to win. Perhaps in a few weeks the game will be won. What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. I cannot relate to this because I dislike Pokeman but it was well written.
