Friday, February 21, 2014

"Upset Utah mother buys all 'indecent' PacSun shirts" Tyra Harris 5th per

Summary: Utah mom Judy Cox was shopping with her 18 year old son in a mall when she saw shirts featuring "scantily dressed models in provocative poses" on display in a PacSun store. She requested that be taken down and from public display and was denied. Cox then preceded to buying all  19 "indecent" shirts, totaling at $567. She plans to meet with the city attorney to discuss a possible break in city codes which prohibits "explicit sexual material" on public display.

Analysis: I don't think PacSun should be forced to remove merchandise from public display. Cox claims the shirts "clearly cross a boundary that is continually being pushed on our children in images on the Internet, television..." One is permitted to his own perception or opinion of choice in clothing. PacSun shouldn't have to compromise their freedom of clothing displays for shoppers who may not like certain shirts.

1 comment:

  1. I'd have to say that I disagree with you. They should at least have the decency to put shirts and merchandise like that at the back of the store, not in their window displays. It's hard for me to respect anyone who would wear a shirt like that, anyway.
