Saturday, February 22, 2014

Madison Ceurter 5th period: The weirdest thing at Sochi? Your face on a giant screen of morphing pistons

When you walk into the Olympic Park entrance in Sochi there is a giant, 8 meter tall screen that morphs your face into a 3D image that has 11,000 pistons and each has its own LED-tipped pixel.  The screen shows three faces at a time and cycles through every 20 seconds.  This screen makes your face larger then the statue of liberty.  All of this intrigued me and made me want to read more and as I kept reading I found out that Scott Eaton, a digital sculptor who has worked with Lucasfilm and Pixar and help created "World War Z" and "Captain America," was the creator of this magnificent piece of art and technology.  I call this art because if you look at it, it is like a sculptor except it is digital.  It is amazing to see new technology evolving these days and I can't wait to see what else is created to put people in awe.

If you click on this link you can see a video of the screen


  1. This sounds so cool, wish I could go to Sochi just to have my face on the screen!

  2. This is interesting! It's cool that they included something fun and different like this to the event.
