Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Sam Schwall- The Allure of Anonymous Confessional App 'Secret' and 'Whisper'- 1st period

            I read the article, The Allure of Anonymous Confessional Apps ‘Secret’ and ‘Whisper,’ by Nishat Kurwa from The story looks at an app called Secret which allows users to declare their secrets with little risk. Secrets like “I’m worth 83.7 million dollars and bored out of my mind,” catch attention. Creators note how with today’s social media, time and effort is spent in “looking good,” while secret has no association to an individual and allows free expression

            This is an interesting concept. It made me ask two questions. Will this catch on, particularly amongst our peers and will there be possible destructive consequences to this app’s use?
Feel free to comment your opinion.

1 comment:

  1. I think with every app there is potential for destructive consequences.
