Thursday, May 28, 2015

"Rain in Texas, Snow in Boston" Brett Akop

Although it is raining heavily in Texas, it's snowing heavily in Boston. It has caused people to stay in their homes. A lot of people are snowed in, and believe it or not, schools are closing, and it's so close to the end of the school year. There are piles of debris and snow on the streets of Boston and it is making it very dangerous for cars to pass through.

I think that it's a bit funny yet amazing that one part of the country can be snowing heavily and the other can be raining heavily. This relates to Manifest Destiny. Although that dream was to expand the nation from sea to shining sea, we also expanded from north to south. We are such a big nation that we can have two different seasons in a month.



  1. This is such a horrible thing! I hope that everything is alright. Good connection to history. Destiny Ramirez

  2. nice historical connection, I can really see how interesting this subject is.
