Thursday, May 28, 2015

"Child Trafficking" Brett Akop

Child trafficking started many many years ago. A baby was taken from his mother in 1973. In Chile, this was common and children were stolen from parents and taken out of the country to take part in child trafficking. Travis Tolliver was one of these babies who was stolen from his mother and given up for adoption to an unsuspecting couple in Washington. His mother was told he died at birth but was never presented a body or death certificate. 40 years later, he found her through blood tests and reconnected with his biological mother.

We should put an end to these kind of horrible things. It's not impossible, and if we don't act now it will just be harder to stop. We need to raise awareness. This sort of related to child labor because there were a lot of illegal things happening during that time period towards children.

1 comment:

  1. I really like the connection. I hope that we can all learn from this. Daniel Alcorta
