Thursday, May 28, 2015

Hacking iPhones with a Text - Nancy Padilla 2nd

This article talks about the fact that anybody can send a text to an iPhone and restart and disable it for a couple of seconds. The message can be sent to anybody with an iPhone, the message itself is filled with several different types of letters which confuses the phone causing it to turn itself off so that the machine wont completely crash. Apple is calling it a harmless prank however many people are concerned that the integrity of the phones are in danger. Apple is in the works to fix this problem.

This should be very concerning to people who own and basically live off of their phones. The fact is if someone could send a bug to disable a phone then someone can easily send a bug to hack into their phones and read all their texts, emails, or messages on anything they're logged into. It should be a concern for users of a phone about what people who hid behind a screen are capable of.


  1. I was just shown this a couple days ago. I don't think it's a huge problem, but then again it is. Yesterday I was on the phone with my mother getting intense directions on how to get somewhere when all of a sudden my phone was shut off. I think that in situations the prank could go wrong. If I had been on the phone wit h 9-11 because I WAS IN A SITUATION AND FOR MY PHONE TO SHUT OFF WOULD HAVE BEEN HORRIBLE. So yeah, Apple, you've got work to do!

  2. I'm currently getting those. Fix this, Apple!

  3. I dont want my phone to be hacked so i want more regulations. Quentin Noble P2
