Thursday, May 28, 2015

Iraqi Nun Initially Denied Visa by Yasmine B (5th pd)

     Sister Diana Momeka, a leading representative of the Nineveh Christians in and around Mosul, applied for an American visa to come to the United States because of all of the persecution Christians like her are facing in Iraq. It was an appalling moment for everyone when Momeka was turned down for being "internally displaced" and according to the Department of State, she deemed a risk to stay in the U.S., where she once lived and studied for six years. Members of several religious groups responded to this in an uproar, demanding that Sister Diana be brought to the United States immediately. Eventually, the Department of State gave in and granted her the visa that she was longing for and as of now she is currently in the United States.
     America has always had a problem with immigrants coming and has even had to limit people from different ethnic and religious groups that are allowed into the country, but I was disappointed to read that the country initially denied a woman trying to flee from religious persecution in perhaps the most dangerous place on earth right now. We are a country built on people who left their homeland to pursue their religion yet we would not let someone going through that exact situation right now into our country. In the end I am happy that Sister Diana was allowed to come to the United States because we need to know what is going on over there in order to fix it and even thought she didn't choose to be, Sister Diana is the key to helping us understand.

Link to article:

1 comment:

  1. The US should be more open to all people coming for immigration. QUentin Noble P2
