Monday, March 23, 2015

The "New" Obama- Kennedi Mayes

Ted Cruz, of Texas, has just confirmed that he was running for president. Cruz is a fresh politician and is bein compared to Obama because he is a new Senator and has two young daughters. Also, he is about the same age as Obama when he ran his first campaign. Cruz, a Republican, is looking to "reclaim the Constitution."  Cruz is looking to ignite a spark in the evangelicals and bring them back to voting. Like Obama, he is also a great speaker.

This seems kind of a stretch to be comparing Cruz to Obama. They don't have the same goals or opinions. They're not even the same party. I can see how a few things relate, mainly the fact that they are both fresh Senators who ran for office. Besides that, I don't see any similarities.


  1. Yeah, I agree it seems kind of odd to compare these two, especially since its seeming as if they're complete opposites.

  2. Maybe they're both going for change? I mean from what you described, there seem to be only small similarities, so whatever they're referring to must be a pretty big stretch.

  3. Really you have to take into account the parties that are comparing these two, because it's understandable if these people are biased towards Cruz, and attempting to make him seem more likeable or more familiar and turn some positive attention towards this candidate. However, besides those factors, I don't see many similarities between the two.
    - Sophia Davison

  4. I agree with Sophia, It very much could be a tactic to make Ted Cruz appear more appealing to those who love President Obama. Maybe it could be satire as well considering they are so opposite.
