Monday, March 30, 2015

"Indiana lawmakers engaging (yet again!) in petty anti-gay rights struggle" by Sam Schaffer

Leading officials of the state of Indiana have chosen, yet again, to spend their political capital on the (oh-so-important) struggle to inhibit gay rights in business. In a remarkably predictable turn of events, the conservative members of the Indiana GOP have made the (predictable) decision to devote their time and efforts to a (predictably) petty and insignificant issue that has no place in American democracy- or in a democracy of any kind. The issue, which is of the utmost importance to members of the GOP, further illustrates the Republican trends of fundamentalism, socially regressive policy, and not-so-subtle bigotry; and more significantly, it is symptomatic of the relentless elephantine drive to pursue issues that are completely and utterly insignificant to the national and international stage. 


  1. Well, they have to keep themselves busy somehow. It's not like they have any REAL work to do.

  2. Ok I am not agreeing or disagreeing but keep in mind that many lawmakers do respond to what the people they represent desire, so its a bit unfair to label them as "evil" and associate all bad things with republicans
