Monday, March 16, 2015

Racial Bias :/ (Ashton Garcia, 2nd)

I'm sure as many of you heard, two police men were shot at during a protest outside of the Ferguson Police Dep. The search for the person that shot them has been a frantic one, and has gotten extreme attention even though the police officers were O.K., and most African- Americans that are killed by police rarely get any attention at all. Anyway, it turns out that the man accused of shooting the officers never intended in shorting THEM. He was protecting a kid and his girlfriend from a dispute he was having with someone. Of course, racial bias has clearly been showed throughout the search for the shooter, and has been extremely and obviously evident for years upon years, especially in Ferguson. If police officers had given the thought of equality, innocent shootings and killings would have been prevented, and accidental shootings towards police officers who ambushed the protest (surprisingly staying by the Dep.) would be even less likely.

This really reminds me of the Civil Rights movement. This case furthers the racial bias and the racial tension especially in Ferguson. Unfortunately, protests and killings of black people by police has been going on for years and years. This case has continued this because it was an accident at a Michael Brown related protest (rest in peace Michael). Problems and accidents like this occur because of disputes, but the tension also made police question black people, and when the man stated his story, there were skeptics that were extremely rude and unbelieving. I really wish that the Civil Rights Movement changed more of America than it did. Racial discrimination (which this case has also created more of) should have never even been a thing, especially if the US is so "equal" and "free" (although we were rated the 9th freest country in the world oops). I do agree that the man should face some time due to even having a gun for the purpose of possibly hurting someone, although allegedly trying to protect, however, the search should not be based on racial bias. The protest, which is now a hot spot in Ferguson, should have never been needed. Discrimination, which, unfortunately, thus accident has caused more of, should have never happened. The police department is now even more racially bias, which should have never been a thing in the first place. The article even states that the police is racially bias (yeah what else is new) especially after this case. Although a complete accident in hoping to protect, it caused more bias and hate and skepticals. I am really hoping that racism will end asap. We have a long way to go, and I am really hoping that these accidents don't happen (which also taps into gun laws and regulations), and that racism stops in the police department and everywhere.


  1. Agreed. Racism is ridiculous and the fact that you judge someone based on how much melanin they have in their skin or what country their ancestors are from, or whatever reason people use is ridiculous. I'm tired of it and all the baggage its bringing.

  2. It's hard to believe that even though the police officers were perfectly fine, a huge search would begin. However, considering the history of not only our country, but also Ferguson, a situation like this is unfortunately one that would be expected. The day we would never expect any racial bias is the day we have won against racism.
