Tuesday, March 31, 2015

The Nation's Largest Death Row, Runs Out Of Room/ Madeline Boreham/ 4th period

In the past decade no one on death row has been out to death in California, this leaves more than 750 prisoners waiting.  They are now starting to have to scatter death row prisoners throughout other jails in California.  It all started in a court case where California's lethal injection system was invalidated. The governor is making plans to expand the prison give the prisoners on death row a nicer facility and more staff. One of the main issues is bed shortages, but the governor's plan will not take action until July.
 We come to a moral line here of choosing weather to let these prisoners last few years on earth be miserable or manageable. I do not think that the death sentence solves anything, but if we are going to have it it is nice to know that we are not  sitting by and letting them go without beds despite what they might have done. It displays humanity in the governor by still taking care of the prisoners rights and needs after all of the things they have done to wind up on death row. These people have also waited a decade knowing that they are on death row, that in itself is torture and not fair to the prisoners.  I am not saying that these people should be let off the hook for the things they have done. I am just saying that it is nice to know that the state of California will still want to give people their basic necessities.  Something does need to be done soon to help alleviate the overflow, and I think that the governor's plan is a step in the right direction.

This article was written by Eyder Peralta for NPR to read the full article click the link below.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not a fan of the death penalty, but if it is being used, it might as well be effective. These people have been waiting or their deaths or too long, and I agree that though they have committed heinous crimes, they are still human and so are we, so we should act like it.
