Friday, December 20, 2013

Phil Robertson suspended

     Phil Robertson from the popular television series "Duck Dynasty" was suspended after publicly stating his arguable opinion about gay people. Some people such as Sarah Palin and Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal are supporting him. He said, "It's a messed up situation when Miley Cyrus gets a laugh, and Phil Robertson gets suspended." Robertson's opinions were based off of his personal beliefs, not directed toward anyone specific or anyone of the A&E Network/show. This network is known as a supporter of the gay/lesbian community and therefore did not like Robertson's comments.

     Yes, I see how saying his opinion about such an arguable topic can get him into some trouble, but I don't think getting suspended from his show is necessary. He purely just stated what he's not like he made "disparaging remarks about gays" like they are saying he did. Plus, later he said how he would never show disrespect towards someone because they are "different". Also, it is reasonable for him to have these opinions, considering he grew up in a time period with a society that is completely different to our society now. Therefore, it's reasonable for him to not be as open to ideas, such as gay people, that are more freely expressed in today's time.

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