Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Peace on earth by:Taylor Grant-Gates

My current event is actually going to be about something that is currently going on in my AP English class. For exams this week we had to prepare to debate is there could be peace on earth. The twist was that we had to argue both the positive and the negative arguments. When it came time to debate I was chosen to argue the positive side, or yes, there can be peace in earth. I went on to detail how if the world took the time to understand and accept one another's differences then we could be peaceful. My opposition obviously refuted that. The debate ended in a tie nevertheless. But this got me thinking, can there ever really be peace on earth? Truthfully speaking from my heart:no. Why? Because there is always going to be evil or conflict on this earth. Evil will always conquer one and when it conquers one it will conquer another and another. Bad trips good all the time. Peace can be attainable in small sections of the earth in even smaller periods of time. Peace is not an allusion, it's just so very hard to come by its seems impossible. But seriously ask yourself, Can there be peace on earth? If yes, in its entirety or just partly?

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