Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Eleven more pilot whales died of the beach of Florida Keys - Emily Gray 5th period

On December 8th, eleven more pilot whales were found dead on the Florida Keys beach line. The death of these whales have not yet been determined for the results of the necropsies will not come until weeks later. These eleven whales were in a pod of 40 others (51 total). The coast guard of the beach that the lives of the other 40 were undecided but most likely dead. The coast guard explains that pilot whales travel in pack and usually they don't leave when one of their members have died.

This article was written by Dan Whitcomb by Yahoo! News on December 8th, 2013. This was written to alarm the public of the possibility of wildlife could end up in our natural habitats. I think that this is devastating. It's is sad that 11 died but not only that the rest of the pack probably died too. I think that the coast guards of that beach and everyone else on every other beach should take precautions of situations like these. I believe that Florida could have prevented the death of these whales by guiding back to the ocean. I feel sorry for these whales because I feel that they still had a chance to live.

Link : http://news.yahoo.com/eleven-more-pilot-whales-found-dead-florida-keys-012657830.html


  1. It will be interesting to see what was causing their deaths. Hopefully in the future we will be able to prevent this. Ashley Barnes 2nd

  2. That is so sweet that they will not leave one another if one is to die. However, it is heart breaking to hear of so man whales dying.
