Monday, December 16, 2013

"Judge Questions Legality of NSA Phone Records" (Melissa Kurtzman, 5th Period)

Summary: On Monday a judge ruled that the phone records kept by the NSA could violate the Fourth Amendment. Judge Richard J. Leon, a federal judge in the District of Columbia, ordered the government to stop collecting the data of the two plaintiffs who brought the case to court. Edward Snowden, the man behind the original leak of NSA files, released a statement from Moscow saying that "It is [just] the first of many". This ruling does not cover the entire program, but does apply to the plaintiffs.

Analysis: This entire phone record thing is all really weird. Obviously the government has a right to monitor someone's calls if they're considered suspicious but I don't think it's right to keep records of everyone's calls. I'm glad that Judge Leon made this ruling and I hope that everything gets sorted out soon.


  1. I agree about being glad that judge leon made this ruling. This whole NSA business is getting really complicated.

  2. I am glad this was ruled in this way. They would want someone listening to their conversations, and neither do other people
