Monday, December 9, 2013

Kolina Hocevar period 5 officer kills student

Those who know him call him the "gentlest person," but according to campus police said on Monday that a 23-year-old student at a San Antonio-area Christian college took an officer's police baton and struck him before the officer shot him in defense of himself. The incident began when Cpl. Christopher Carter, a police officer with the University of the Incarnate Word in Alamo Heights, saw Robert Cameron Redus near campus "driving erratically at a high rate of speed" on  Friday, a university statement said. University police vehicles are typically equipped with dashboard cameras, but Carter's vehicle joined the fleet two days before the incident, and its camera fell off the next day when a temperature change prevented the glue from setting, the school said. Hundreds of people, including relatives of Redus, gathered at the university's convocation center Saturday for a vigil. Students brought a slideshow of Redus in happy poses.

The student drove erratically, and he resisted arrest. The cop should have called for back up and simply pursued the suspect until help arrived. Only if he was escalating his actions to cause harm to others (which is not what it sounds like) should the cop have used deadly force. If the cop could not subdue the suspect he could have moved to a safe distance when he determined that he was no match.

1 comment:

  1. Wow..this is kinda scary. I understand that the kid's decision probably wasn't the best but it certainly wasn't necessary to shoot him. I wonder what will happen to the officer?
