Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Felicia Padilla 5th period: "Friends pull prank to teach friend with drunk-driving record a lesson"

Summary: According to the NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration,) every 51 minutes, someone has been killed in an accident caused by drunk driving. The risk of killing yourself or someone else, legal fees, and prosecution are apparently not enough to prevent people from drinking and driving. Instead, a youtube comedian decided to take a different approach in teaching his friend, who has been charged with 5 DUIs, a lesson. An elaborate joke was played out when, the an with the DUIs had been drinking one night, and had passed out. His friends then brought him into an office that was set up to look like a hospital room. Once the man woke up, a doctor told him he had been in a coma for 10 years. To further the prank, the television was on a news station where the lady was talking about President Hilary Clinton, and Justin Bieber's 10 year anniversary. To finish off the lesson, the guy's friend came in and started yelling at him about how he could have been gone for 10 years.

Analysis: In the end, the friend walks away disgusted as the guy sits in his hospital bed laughing. I don't know what it will take to get the message across to this guy, but I am just wishing and hoping that it doesn't involve someone dying or getting seriously injured.


  1. I'm not saying I agree with this type of method always, but honestly whatever it takes. If he believed it for even aconite, he can carry that with him and possibly stop drinking to the point where he passes out. Ashley Barnes 2nd

  2. Yeah I do not agree completely with pulling such a prank, but hearing that the guy wasn't even phased by it makes me agree with doing whatever it takes to make him realize how he is constantly putting his life on the line. Hopefully more people realize what dangers drinking and driving can cause.

  3. I think that is a very elaborate plan. Perhaps they should've taken it further considering he wasnt phased by it. What a pity that people can be so selfish.

  4. His friends were very dedicated to get the message to their friend but he is still not willing to change hopefully he will realize that they are trying to help and it is not a joke - Lauren Hamm 2nd period
