Monday, December 9, 2013

6 go out in snow storm and vanish: Devon Travis

Clearly the snow and ice storms have hit Texas pretty hard, but in Nevada it has become a men hunt for 6 hikers. 2 adults and 4 children went out to Seven Troughs Mountain Range on Sunday, and have not been seen since. The subzero temperatures to come will not help their survival, but snow patrol still is on the search for the stranded people. The relationship of the two 10 year olds, a 4 and a 3 year old to the two adults are unclear, and the parents of the 4 children are still nervous, but optimistic to find their children.

This is terrifying. We think the 2 inches of solid of ice on the roads is literally the end of the world, but there are people who get multiple feet of snow annually and go missing so many times. My question is why the 6 decided it would be a good idea to go to the mountain range after this huge snow storm? Especially since the children are so young. There are too many tragedies in the news these days, i hope they have been found today. my thoughts go out to the children's families, and the adults' families as well.


  1. Although this is indeed quite terrifying and an awful situation to be put in, it doesn't surprise me considering location and the number of events similar to this that have occurred in the past.

  2. People in Texas think we have it bad? Just let them go to Nevada and see what they think.

  3. This is really scary. I can't believe people would allow children so young to venture out into that climate. I hope they find everybody safely.
    McKenzie Hartmann, 4th period

  4. How scary! I hope the find the kids and I'm also hoping it wasn't some kind of set up by the two adults..
