Monday, December 16, 2013

KATEY GUINN 5th period "Shooting in Colorado HIgh School"

            A shooting that took place at a high school in Colorado at one of the high schools was only a minute and twenty seconds. The man walked into the school and fired his gun a few times
at a female student and then killed himself. This man was eighteen, and he was carrying a shotgun, a machete, and three cocktails in his book bag. He went to the library and set off one of his bombs that were homemade and then shot himself. Officials were shocked to hear that there wasn't anyone else injured or killed in this process. What would someone do in this situation? I know we all have drills for this kind of thing. BUt in the momnet, it is hard to stay calm.


  1. This is so scary because my friend goes to that school in Colorado and when I heard about it, I was afraid that she was injured. I texted her but she still hasn't responded so I am still kind of scared.

  2. That's so scary. Unfortunate that she was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
