Wednesday, December 11, 2013

6-year-old suspended for kissing girl, accused of sexual harassment
6-year-old suspended for kissing girl, accused of sexual harassment

Rowan Barcham

Has our world seriously come to this?

This week in Colorado Springs, Colorado, a 6-year-old Hunter Yelton was suspended from school after kissing a girl on the hand. He was in the middle of class, and leaned over to kiss the girl on her hand. Afterwards, he was suspended and accused of sexually harassing the girl by the school. 

This has outraged many among the community, particularly Hunter's mother, Jennifer Saunders, who recalls being asked by her son what "sex is", following the event. She also recalls that Hunter was suspended earlier in the year for kissing the same girl on the cheek. Saunders announced that the girl in question was "fine with it", as she considers herself to be Hunter's "girlfriend". The girl's parents have yet to share their thoughts on the matter publicly, but Hunter's mother is more concerned with clearing her son's record of anything along the lines of sexual harassment.

Hunter admits that he felt "sorry" for "doing something wrong" and that he tries to behave properly in school. However, he has no knowledge of sex, let alone lawsuits for sexual harassment, and the concept itself. Controversy has sparked among the local and online community, with many opposed to the allegations of sexual harassment, and others claiming that Hunter was at fault. 

It's truly astonishing to me that we live in a time that is so skewed by corrupt consequences of law that two children cannot be kissed by one another without suffering some accusations of adult concepts that are totally incomprehensible to their small minds. Our system has truly distinenegrated into an all-time-low, and if we do not correct our minds and adjust ourselves into a more logical, realistic gear, we are doomed for wiping ourselves out. What's next? Declarations of rape after a young boy picks up a flower from the school field and proceeds to give it a young girl? 

This is the wrong direction, America. 


  1. Wow. I agree with you; that is extremely ridiculous. They are 6 years old! All he did was kiss a little girl on the head and next thing you know he is accused of sexual harassment. I'm just baffled by this.. Yeah maybe it wasn't exactly appropriate to kiss a girl's hand during class, but still. Sexual harassment? Hmm.. What even is the definition of that anymore, who knows?

  2. This is ridiculous. Sexual Harassment? Why so dramatic? He is literally 6 years old....this is dumb.

  3. I agree that this is absurd. Hunter did nothing "wrong." These simple acts of showing affection are actually vital to the social development of children and far from sexual, as these children have not yet developed the concept of sexual.

  4. I support Hunter. This seems very wrong. It's sad how we see violence in the most innocent and sweet of things

  5. This reminds me of a recent case in Utah where a 12 year old boy had sex with a 13 year old girl and she was charged as a victim AND an offender. It goes to show how skewed our legal system is when it comes to dealing with children in sexual cases.

  6. I can't imagine how Hunter's mom is dealing with this. Having to explain to her little boy what sexual harassment is and something on his record that could hurt his chances or college and jobs later in life.

  7. Wow people are so dumb. This kid is a king, he is Mr. Suave, such a snatch master, already getting the babes at age six, and we are punishing him? We should build a monument to this guy. He deserves a Rom Com about his life and a large monument for having a legendary chill to pull ratio.

  8. Comment By Rhyann Lee this is so crazy. People just try and make everything into a big deal it is not that serious. This boy is 6 years old trying to be nice. Im pretty sure he wasn't trying to sexual harass somebody
