Friday, December 13, 2013

Arapahoe High School Shooting - Victoria Lennox 2nd Period

Today, on December 13, 2013, a school shooting has occurred at Arapahoe High School in Centennial, Colorado. Authorities believed at least two people to injured. The shooter was still believed to be inside the school at 2:40 when the story was published today. Witnesses say dozens of children could be seen running from the school with their hands in the air. Other students were allegedly in lines on the high school track for police pat-downs. The concerned parents of the school were being asked to go to a church in the area to meet up with their children. Arapahoe High School has a population of 2,229 students and 70 classrooms. All of the schools within the district have been put on lock down and all roads leading to the campus have been blocked off by police. Ironically, the school is about 10 miles from Littleton, where Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold killed 12 students and a teacher at the Columbine High School in 1999. At 2:57 today, the suspect in the shooting is dead from what officials believe to be a self-inflicted gunshot wound. Only one student has been taken to the hospital with a gunshot wound.  Details of the minor shot nor the suspect have been given at this time. 

I am really speechless at this event. I got the CNN update on my phone in class and decided to do a current event right now. The last update given on this story about the suspect being dead was literally 16 minutes ago. This is so scary to think about because schools are supposed to be a very safe environment where one shouldn’t have to worry about a shooter coming in. I remember the Sandy Hook shooting not to long ago and after that incident most schools were trying to be extra cautious and upgrade security but this Arapahoe shooting shows that you can never be too cautious. I’m really glad that only one student was affected and I hope that he recovers quickly.


  1. Wow. That is so sad. I know Mrs. Reitz talked to us last year about Sandy Hook and it was so scary to think of someone infiltrating what should be a safe and peaceful environment. I had heard a little bit about this on the news, but they didn't go into much detail. It's so sickening the think of how numb our country is becoming to such sad events.

  2. I'm worried that this shooting is not truly motivated by revenge but by a want of infamy via copycatting. The way the event progressed and where it happened all echoes of Columbine to me. I hope the girl makes a full recovery.

  3. This is just so absolutely riduculous. I don't understand how someone would want to kill innocent people. It seems to me that these school shootings are becoming more and more common. I will pray for these poor people.
