Monday, December 16, 2013

Apple's Cook speaks out on civil rights- haley Hill

Apple's Cook speaks out on civil rights

haley hill- 4th

Apple CEO Tim Cook spoke out on how civil rights and equality are at the core of his belief system. The speech came out when he was accepting a lifetime achievement award from his alma mater. He said he recalled a cross burning, a common symbol for racism, in his hometown of Alabama around 1960. "This image was permanently imprinted in my brain and it would change my life forever," he said. "I could never understand it, but I knew then that America's, and Alabama's, history would always be scarred by the hatred that it represented."

Its great to know that a CEO this important with so much media surrounding him advocates strong equality. Especially with LGBT laws trying to be passed. Maybe he can use some of his press to advocate different topics too. 

1 comment:

  1. Someone with as much publicity as him should be using it to his advantage and urge people to acknowledge current events and what is going on around them.
