Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Khelsey Gamble 2nd Period Big Girl loses a Bunch of Weight Which is relevant to Civil War

I was so excited I nearly squealed when I saw this news article, because I specifically remember watching this woman's documentary. This woman Mayra weighed over 1,000 lbs. OVER 1,000 POUNDS. SAY WHAT? She had limited mobility, and she had to be bathed and fed by her husband. She was accused of falling on her nephew and killing him when he was two years old, but she later said her sister killed him. After going through the pain of losing her nephew, she was admitted to a obesity hospital. She had heart failure and diabetes. After sticking to a diet, she lost enough weight to get gastric bypass. Today she only weighs 1/5 of when she was 1,000 POUNDS.

The reason I was so excited was because I watched her documentary and I felt horrible for her. Her sister let her take the fall for "murdering her son", and she couldn't move. She felt like a burden on her husband, who did everything for her. I really hoped she would lose all of that weight, because she was suffering horribly. I cried when I watched the documentary, because I couldn't believe someone would do this to themselves. Now I know I aint the skinniest person out here, but I exercise now and then, and try not to eat too much sugar. I just can't imagine letting myself get like that, so I just felt horrible for her. I am beyond happy that she lost all of that weight. I can't even imagine the hardships she went through to lose 800 POUNDS OMG. She is still continuing the process of losing weight, and I am super proud of her. This is relevant to APUSH because it shows that Mayra could have been a soldier in the Civil War because she is so determined and strong. If she was with the Union, I'm sure the war would have ended a lot sooner. Just goes to show how determined Americans are. This woman had no odds on her side, but she fought thorough it, and came out stronger in the end. Murica.


  1. Hahaha Khelsey thank you for this very relevant current event ;P Seriously made my night though. Yeah I've definitely seen people like that and I don't understand how people can live like that. I mean, there is definitely a point where you just have to take control of the situation. That's so awesome that she has lost so much weight though! She is walking proof that nothing is too challenging!

  2. Good for her for getting her life back and doing what was best for herself. It would probably have been easier for her to just give up, but she didn't. She beat the odds and made something of herself.

  3. comment by Rhyann Lee this is such a nice story because i know im not a size two but i could never allow myself to be that big! it is very good that she was determinded to loose that weight! good for her
