Monday, December 9, 2013

Patience Henderson 1st Period; Traveler wakes up on airliner, locked in and alone

     Tom Wagner was on a flight to California to see his sister from Louisiana, when they had a layover in Houston. Wagner decides to take a quick nap, and falls into deep sleep, waking up to an dark and empty plane. He didn't know what to do at first then he called his girlfriend who didn't really believe him at first but then called the airlines. "Debbie, you gotta call the airlines. I'm locked in the plane."
"I said I'm serious," Wagner explained Monday morning on CNN's "New Day," chuckling about the conversation. "She finally hung up and called the airlines." He then checked the doors of the plane which were locked. Wagner walked up and down the aisles of the plane for 30 minutes until the plane doors opened. He tried to explain calmly that he'd been left behind. After his ordeal, he's been talking about what happened. "I talk to people, (and they say) like, man, I'd have freaked out!" Wagner stayed in a hotel room, on the airline, before flying to California the next day. He said United gave him a $250 voucher.
I honestly don't understand how you just over look someone as you clean up the plane. How do you not see someone asleep? Even the passengers getting off the plane, they could've given him a quick nudge and told him to wake up.  Everyone that walked by him didn't notice he was asleep. Makes me wonder if planes even check if passengers are still on the planes, or even if they clean the planes after a flight because honestly how could you not see someone? This article really makes me think. Also, if I woke up to being on a dark empty plane by myself I would be terrified not walking the aisles!


  1. Though this is unfortunate that this happened to this man, it is auspicious that it did not happen to a unaccompanied minor or the plane did not take off with him to another destination. The presence of this article in the news helps people to become more aware of the possibility of this happening again. This is one of the advantages of news. We are able to learn from other people's mistakes without actually experiencing themselves and are therefore better able to prevent ourselves and others from mistaking the same mistakes.

  2. Wow, how irresponsible and inconsiderate have we become?
