Sunday, September 25, 2016

Smoking leaves 30-year legacy on your DNA by Macey Kanaman 8th Period

     Summary: Recent analysis has shown that smoking can leave a long term effect on your DNA. The effects that are left on our genes can be helpful in that it can help us identify diseases that were related to smoking. The proof that smoking leaves a "lasting legacy" on your DNA comes from blood samples of smokers, former smokers and even nonsmokers. Smoking chemically changes your DNA which can change the function of your genes. With being able to identify these changes we can develop ways to cure them.

     Analysis: I'm not surprised to find out that smoking effects our DNA as well as causes so many terrible diseases. Due to new advances in technology we are able to identify that smoking leaves such a long term scar on our DNA. To think that smoking all began with John Rolfe in Jamestown is a bit frightening. We have been causing harm to our bodies without even knowing for almost 300 years. I think the worst part about smoking is that we know the harm it brings yet we still continue to do it. Also smoking does not only harm the people who smoke, it also harms the people exposed to the smoking around them.



  1. It is saddening that smokers are being left with such devastating effects on their bodies. Regardless, I feel that nothing you can say to them will stop them from smoking because they have quite heard it all and some even wish to quit smoking, but to no avail.

  2. If more of these kind of informational articles were made mainstream, then hopefully the number of smokers would go down. It makes me very upset that these new side effects are blatantly ignored.
