Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Saudi women file petition to end male guardianship system -Austin Wallace

Saudi Arabian women are petitioning to change long standing and sexist laws in their country. Known as guardian ship laws, women in Saudi Arabia are being treated like children, requiring a guardian. These mandates prohibit them from things like driving, or traveling without the consent of their husband, fathers, or even their own sons. This movement is quickly growing with some men even lending their support. Women is Saudi Arabia are tired of being treated as second class citizens and have created the "I am my Own Guardian" campaign to make their government listen. The rate at which this movement is an unprecedented development for women's rights in the region. It is time the Saudi Arabian government begins treating them as adults. This historic campaign for the feminist movement reminds my of women's suffrage in the late 19th century. While many women signed the petition anonymously, out of fear for their own wellbeing, some women have chosen to list their names. "Why should I be afraid" one Saudi women said, "I'm not doing anything wrong".



  1. Living our own lives in America, we often forget that things aren't as good for everyone else in other places around the world. The fact that women are still required to have permission from a man to participate in their rights is mind boggling.

  2. Yes I agree with you, this is the 20th century. We have come so far and no room to stop. The whole world altogether needs to take theses steps to equal freedom.

  3. Not only would getting this petition in motion affect the woman's freedom, but create a whole new window of opportunity for upcoming fights for rights that extend to all people in Saudi Arabia. This could be a stepping stone for many new laws to come!

  4. I'm glad these women are taking control over their own lives. Hopefully their courageous acts will actually change things and improve the lives of Saudi Arabian women.

  5. I'm content to know that women in Saudi Arabia are starting to take action against inequality between men and women.I hope they'll encourage more people to take action and fight over their rights.
