Monday, September 26, 2016

Madilyn Weems

In this article it explains how the media is biased toward Clinton or Trump, and how this plays in the election. In their data, they calculated that the liberalist tend to side more with Clinton and the more conservative outlets tended to be on the fence. Many of the authors use satire in these articles, and emotional upbringings to get people on one side. Due to this, their is an extreme passion generated toward one side or the other. This can relate to the Election of 1860, when scandal became a play between Lincoln and Douglas, and where racial views became a big deal.  This shows how elections overtime have become a scheme of art and placing opinions on the table, instead of using valid facts and a clear mind to vote. Many times, a voters mind set is as some would say "washed up" with social media, false advertisement, and many scandals. In order for there to be a "pure" election, people have to stop looking for the falsity and look for the value in each person and weigh it that way. Otherwise, the elections become a joke, with other countries watching us as a comedy.


  1. A lot of times the media is largely controlled by who has the money and/or the power in the situation, and that is why it is even more important for you to have your own ideas and draw your own conclusions based on what you're given.

  2. It is very important to view all sides in every competition, and this is no different. People in America need to learn to look at the facts objectively and not let their emotions play into it too much. Of course, people will have some degree of emotion in every thing, we are human after all. But, as humans, we need to look at the facts and not let emotions cloud our judgement.

  3. Oh most definitely the elections are all swayed by different outlets only looking out for their own agendas. It's very scary that there's so much deceit in America.

  4. Oh most definitely the elections are all swayed by different outlets only looking out for their own agendas. It's very scary that there's so much deceit in America.
