Monday, September 26, 2016

Audrey Griffin "Trump launches 'Crooked Hillary' Snapchat filter for debate"

Trump launches 'Crooked Hillary' Snapchat filter for debate

Summary: Today Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's campaign made history. Tonight is the first presidential debate and Trump's campaign hopes to incite excitement in the younger generation. Other campaigns, including that of Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, have used geotags over small areas for events such as rallies, but this is the first time a politician has purchased a national geotag. During the course of this presidential race the use of social media has become an extremely popular method for candidates to connect with a wide audience, especially of young people. 

Analysis: With the popularization of social media as a political platform, candidates now the opportunity to connect directly and candidly with their audiences. It has also enabled young people to discuss issues that matter to them on a larger platform. I think this connects to the first presidential debate to be broadcasted on television, during the 1960 race between Kennedy and Nixon. It was extremely groundbreaking and allowed a wider audience to have access to political information.

Trump launches 'Crooked Hillary' Snapchat filter for debate 


  1. All of this emphasizes my point that people shouldn't be afraid of Trump because, real talk here, he isn't that smart. You should be afraid of who is behind him because those people are the ones pulling the strings.

  2. This truly emphasizes how immature Donald Trump really is. Almost all of his campaign is based on calling his opponents names. He's nothing more than a school yard bully. That's not the kind of person we need running one of the most powerful countries in the world.
