Thursday, September 22, 2016

Ava Noble: 3 Dead After Tennessee Factory Shooting


          On Thursday afternoon at a Tennessee factory, a gunman killed three people, including himself. It started with him shooting in the front office area of the factory. He went further into the factory, and he killed two workers; one of them was found dead in the bathroom. At 4:16PM, the shooting was reported. Employees were all running for their lives when police arrived. The police found the three people dead, including the gunman who shot himself. At the news conference, McMinn County Sheriff Joe Guy mentioned, "I don't think you ever want to think this will occur in your community." As the state mourns for those affected by this shooting, the United States is healing with them.

       It hurts my heart to know someone would have the mindset to do such a horrible action. I always wonder to myself, "Why do the most innocent people always get the worse in events like these?" The poor workers did absolutely nothing wrong to get shot. In 2010, there were 405 workplace shootings. Although two innocent people may not seem a lot to the big world we live in, imagine having done nothing wrong to receive a penalty that is not deserved of. I hope Tennessee raises awareness for those affected by the shooting. Their families deserve the best of support during this turning point in their life. To synthesize, this reminds me of when a worker at a Texas Walmart in Amarillo pulled out a gun, firing shots and holding the store manager hostage. I hope someday our world's amount of shootings will find peace. I encourage everyone to always be aware of their surroundings and stay safe!


  1. This is a terrible incident! Our country really needs to try to gain back our unified spirit and attack the nation at it's core. We need to enforce stricter laws on gun control, especially on who is able to use them. Maybe, we will be able to find peace again.

  2. I cant believe this! Like you, Ava, I always wonder why its the best people who get hurt. And I wish our cities were safer so that we did not have to always be on edge watching behind our backs too.

  3. I just read another article on a shooting on innocent people, i just don't understand why people do such awful things.

  4. There have been so many shootings, bombings, etc. in just this past month. I can't believe what the world has come to be. I honestly cannot understand why anyone would argue against gun control laws when incidents like this happen so often.

  5. After all of the shootings that have been happening this year, it doesnt shock me to see another. However, it is heartbreaking to see more innocent people die. I hope this spreads awareness to stop all of the violence, I know this is a work in progress, but I hope our world can improve its violence issues.
