Monday, September 26, 2016

Elijah Macias- "Charlotte police shooting: What happens next"

Summary: After the shooting at Charlotte, leaving Keith Lamont Scott dead, the protests have begun to die down after the curfew was put into place by the national guard. The released body camera video doesn't give a definite answer on if Scott had a gun. So as for now, we don't know if it was justified.

Analysis: After yet another police brutality, we are back to square one. After all of the crazy violent protests, which i don't condone by the way, there is no progress. Even if Scott was a crazy lunatic that made the police fear for their life, which i'm not saying is true, there is still other ways to detain him, rather than shoot him repeatedly. This could be compared to the terrible treatment of blacks and the civil rights movement in the 60's ;They fought long and hard for civil liberties and got them. We are supposed to be the most advanced country in all of the world, why can't we solve simple internal conflicts like this? Whats next?
Link to article

1 comment:

  1. U right fam. Don't shoot people. An excuse often given in cases like this is that the officer involved was under pressure. If your first response to pressure is to kill someone, you shouldn't have a job that requires you to carry a gun. If your excuse for violent, subconscious racial bias is that you couldn't help but kill someone because of stress, you shouldn't have a job that necessitates carrying a gun. The fact that many have gotten away with this reminds me very much of the legal excuse of trans panic (essentially when someone reacts violently after learning that someone is transgender or reacts violently to seeing a transgender person - there is also gay panic, but from my understanding it is now less often accepted). Oh no! Panic! At the LGBTQ+. America needs to get it together. People need to stop actually panicking when other people aren't exactly like them. Don't shoot people.
    -Cal Thompson, your resident angry LGBTQ+ kiddo
