Monday, September 26, 2016

Qiaunci Jones- IS gun, Suicide Bomb Attacks; Tikrit & Baghdad

Tikrit is the second city to fall down by Isis. Unfortunately, the town wasn't prepared  when suicide bombers approached with the scene with explosive trunks. Also militants battled back and forth shooting recklessly. Killing and destruction was all on that was on Isis's mind. Taking full ownership of their wrong doing, they justify their actions by saying the town held targeted members of the Badr
Organization.  No one is safe over in Iraq.

This article is current posted on September 25, 2016. It provides knowledge on what is going on in the world, and how much more people are suffering than we realize. Terrorism has been a large conflict in the world and society. Such terrorism can lead to other things like racism. The author of the article is neutral and is just informing us of Iraq's happenings. This connects to history by the countless acts of terrorism going on in the world today.

1 comment:

  1. This is awful. I think there needs to be more security against attacks like this so it doesn't happen any further.
