Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Obama Tests Our Humanity - Katie Schuldenberg

 President Obama called the United Nations together for the last time in his presidency to highlight the need for aid in the refugee crisis occurring around the world. The refugees fleeing from violence are mainly coming from the Middle East, venture all different attempts at trying to get away. Obama's main focus was that we must not end up as a divided world. We must be willing to take people in and see them as equals. He addressed Trump's notion of building a wall and called it 'giving into "suspicion and fear"', claiming that it's unacceptable. Unity and humanity are themes throughout his empowering speech. He even goes as far as referring to America's rejecting of Jew from Nazi Germany, saying that now is a time to amend that mistake and make a difference for the refugees now. Funding is a crucial necessity that depends on the repercussions of Obama's speech and overall generosity of the nations, The President states that in doing this, we fulfilling basic human obligations: to give aid to those in need.

Obama went over one of the most pressing matters of today and did it in a way that made people reflect and question their political standpoints against their emotive inclination. The urgency of aid that is needed was greatly emphasized and hopefully inspired some generosity among the listeners. I feel like the messages he was sending were ones that we have been brought up with, but have trouble applying them to everyday life. I completely agree with him saying this is a thing that we, as humans, need to do for other people who could've been us if the situations were reversed. What I enjoyed most about this speech is that it calls us out for being the considerate people that we should be; Obama gives another aspect to his politics, what we should be focusing on all along, doing things that give more opportunities and changes to succeed to those who aren't in the right environment to do so. I personally didn't know that the outpour of refugees was that high and will now be more aware of later articles to come about the development to come.

1 comment:

  1. I respect Obama's way of addressing the constant rise to power of fear-mongering politicians. We shouldn't be cowardly of something like the rest of the human.
