Monday, September 26, 2016

Gracie Darlington: Lurking clown arrested in Kentucky woods near apartments

Police have arrested 20 year old Jonathan Martin for dressing up as a clown and hiding in the woods by apartment buildings in Middlesboro, Kentucky. Concern is growing as cases of clowns attempting to lure children into forests keep popping up across the southern US. A policeman from Barbourville, Kentucky published online, "while dressing up is not, in and of itself against the law, doing so in public and thereby creating an unnecessary sense of alarm is illegal." There have been many false reports lately of clowns tapping on windows and scaring kids on their way to school. An eleven year old girl in Georgia was even arrested for bringing a knife to her school because she saw on social media that clowns were attacking children. Police are warning people to not dress in clown costumes, as it could lead to criminal charges.
Prior to reading this article, I had zero idea that so many similar cases are being reported in the US lately. The people dressing up are feeding on people's prior fears of clowns, and it's super creepy. With Halloween being just around the corner, the timing of this wave of clown sightings adds an extra layer of uneasiness and fear. The false reports to police and on social media can connect back to the Salem Witch Trials, when fake reports of witches led to the same sense of paranoia, fear, and chaos.


  1. This freaks me OUT because I HATE CLOWNS SO MUCH AND HALLOWEEN IS COMING AND IF I SEE ANY CLOWNS I'M RETIRING IT'S OVER THIS IS THE END OF THE LINE. Also just why the heck would you feel the need to terrorize people like that? Why would you risk paying a huge fine just to put on an ugly terrifying costume to watch everyone melt into mass hysteria, like???

  2. I completely agree with you and Jenna. Myself personally will literally cry at the sight of a clown. I don't know what I'd do if I saw a creepy one lurking around. I think this is rightfully against the law. Even if they're not physically touching the kids it still traumatizes them and can lead to negative impact on them in the future.

  3. When I was a child I saw the movie It. Which is about an extremely scary clown who terrorized a group of children. That movie traumatized me and was always in the back of my mind for a very long time. Small children's minds think differently than ours. They don't understand that it's just some prank teens are playing, like I didn't understand it was just a movie.

  4. This is totally terrifying. I literally couldn't even finish It by Stephen King and then this comes up. So scary to see how people can take advantage of people's deepest and darkest fears and to take advantage of children.The hysteria that comes with this fear is almost as scary as the clowns themselves.
