Monday, September 26, 2016

Izzy Brown- Several Newspapers Call Donald Trump a Liar

Summary: Leading up to the big debate, several newspapers have called Donald Trump a liar. They say he lies even more than Hillary Clinton. This is a big surprise because it can shape the way people will think of the candidates. Although all publishing's were coincidence there was a hustle to get them published before Monday night's debate. This time around it is not up to the monitor of the debate to correct the candidates on true or false statements, they have to do that themselves and each other. The debate commission chef wants them to fact check each other. Donald Trump's statements were analyzed for five days and the amount of inaccuracy and mishandling of facts completely eclipse the amount Hillary has done.

Analysis/Synthesis: Because of the debate this Monday the fact that several News publishers have written about Donald Trump and how he's a known liar is very important. The fact that he was even analyzed for how much he has mishandled facts says a lot about his tendencies too. This will make people really think about who they're going to choose as their next president, and as someone who can only watch from the sidelines that's very scary. Another person infamous for lying is Bill Clinton. He lied about the affair he was having and only til later did he admit it. It's very possible to prevent from having another prone liar in the office, but it's very difficult to convince people once they're set on one candidate.


1 comment:

  1. Clearly shown on the debate Monday night, Trump tries to bend facts to benefit him. Even if there is video evidence of him saying one thing, he will yell and shriek stating that he said another. Trump thinks he can say what ever he wants without any consequences. He also thinks that we aren't smart enough to pull out documentations of things that he said. But smoke and mirrors isn't going to work on the American people.
