Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Trump Changes Tone on Immigration- Larissa Perez

Summary: "They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapist...." - Donald Trump.
Donald Trump has said they he was going to build a wall along to southern border where the U.S> borders mexico and make mexico pay for it. He has said that immigration is bringing mayhem, drugs and crime to the U.S. He then moved on to say that he would use deportation force if it was necessary but done in a orderly and humane fashion. He began to move on to say that he was going to call a complete shutdown of Muslims entering the country. The Republicans like Mitt Romney, and Bill O'Reilly kind of thought this to be a harsh decision. After wining the republican nomination he is facing more moderate voters and is changing is view on some things. He is saying that the Muslim ban is just a suggestion and is changing his mind on deportation. He is now turning his attention to criminals. Three months from the election he is in a awkward position. Some people think that he hasn't changed his mind, but just his words. Flip flopping on one of Trumps issues is what some people think might help him in this race. But trump has said that will not be flip flopping and that he just wants to come up with an answer.
Analysis: This article/video was by Shane O'Neil and Alan Rappeport and was published on August 26, 2016 for the New York Times. This article just shows trumps views on immigration and how they have shifted but not a lot. It also shows what he is going to has president if he gets elected. All I know is that some of Trump ideas are way out there and some aren't but my know ledge on the immigration issue is very limited till now.
Link to Scource: http://www.nytimes.com/video/us/100000004612123/donald-trump-changes-tone-on-immigration.html


  1. My topic was very similar to yours and j agree with your opinion of how trumps ideas are really out there sometimes while he tries to not have some out there as much.

  2. I enjoyed reading your post. I also agree with your statement of how Mr. Trump has a tendency to flip flop and then have totally extreme ideas. One day his ideas may come together.

  3. He criticizes people for flip flopping but he changes his opinion constantly. He actually used to be a registered Democrat.
