Monday, August 29, 2016

Leslie Zaragoza / Paris restaurant 'refuses to serve Muslim women

Paris restaurant 'refuses to serve Muslim women'
In the actuality, social media has become not only a tool of entertainment or communication but also awareness. Videos that infiltrate the internet  allows everyone to witness the unfairness and greatness of humanity. Last Saturday in the Le Ceracle  restaurant , in Tremblay France  a man told a woman wearing a hijab  that "Terrorists are Muslims and all Muslims are terrorists." Some of the locals prosecutors opened an investigation for racial discrimination. After the galling experience, one of the women  that observed the incident commented ''we don't want to be served by racists." As a response, the man said ''Racist don't kill people. I don't want people like you at my place." The government minister Laurence Rossignol, who has been notified of the accident asked Dilcra, the government  anti-racism system to investigate.
 It's not new to see such behavior now a days, people stereotyping people by the way they dress, their culture, and beliefs. Such actions and opinions can end up creating a civil war or rebellions. Even more controversy has been created with the recent burkini ban in France. Therefore, I think the author is trying to inform us about the crisis that the world is suffering. In some way or another our government is frequently trying to take something from the people, for example in France the ban of the burkini only expresses the violation to someone's freedom of religion. I do have to admit that the way France has  been   taking away the rights of freedom of expression is clever. Starting in 2004 by  forbidding wearing the veil in schools or colleges to the point to banning the full veil from being worn outside in public.


  1. This an outrage, although we should recognize that things like this happen to people every day. The belief that "racists don't kill people" is a belief that is being dangerously spread. The belief that some people are better that others because of race, will lead you to justify all sorts of things. You can start to justify unfair treatment, like not serving them at a restaurant. You can justify stealing their land, dehumanizing them, or even begin to question their rights to live. Genocide stems from hatred and racism. People who believe that their hatred and bigotry is harmless, continue to keep a truly equal society impossible.

  2. This article really highlights how afraid Parisians are of another terrorist attack, and how it is coming out in all the wrong ways, like racism. Such things can lead to terrible conflict within countries, which just makes it easier for people to commit acts of terrorism, which seems counter-intuitive.

  3. This way of thinking, stereotyping, is not benefitting anyone or anything. It's causing a lot of tension in our world. We as humans must overcome these shallow ways of judging someone by their appearance instead of by their character.
