Monday, August 29, 2016

David Allen Norton- Fight to End Zika

Summary: Overall, Zika is a powerful virus in mosquitoes that has been plaguing the nation for some time now. Zika is transferred to humans after a bite from an infected mosquito. The virus has symptoms and can affect normal humans, but mainly affects pregnant women. The virus can infect their child before they are born, making them born with an abnormally shrunken head and very little time to live. Recently, it's been discovered that Zika can be transferred to a mosquitoes larvae, making every mosquito being born be infected, drastically increasing the chance of Zika in a mosquito.

Analysis: Personally, this scares me, as little to no solutions to Zika have been discovered or used yet. The population of mosquitoes infected with the virus grows every day in exponential amounts. More must be done in preventing this, such as more funding, research and more awareness from society. Zika is a huge problem to all humans which means we need to be together against a common enemy. 

Synthesis: This is very closely related to the issue of diseases in early colonies. Roanoke was thought to have disappeared due to the fact of diseases and malnutrition. Though today with our vast knowledge of medical science we don't face issues like that commonly. Roanoke was a great example of the issues faced in early colonies because of disease. Zika is a great issue related to our past problems with medicine and health.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your synthesis, back then there were many diseases that killed people, and those diseases spread quickly and impacted peoples lives majorly. The only difference is that today we have treatments to cure some diseases but not all of them, and back then there obviously wasn't any. - Skyler Tepedino
