Monday, August 29, 2016

Jordyn Chapman-Tribe trucks totem pole 4,800 miles in fossil fuels protest

Summary: Every year for four years, a Pacific Northwest tribe travels almost 5, 000 miles in what they call the "totem journey" in an effort to arouse opposition to fossil fuel projects that they predict will endanger their native lands. This includes them feeling that the drastic climate change threatens their ability to survive. Several crude oil or coal export terminals are planned to be made on the Oregon and Washington coast as well as near the land where local tribes have claimed fishing. Tribes from Oregon to Canada are hosting the Lummi where they are protesting oil pipelines due to go to the East Coast. Reuben George even explained the meaning of the totem pole in the protest-representing their culture, laws, and spirituality.

Analysis: The author, Gillian Flaccus, created this article around three days ago, explaining events happening now that have also occurred for the past 4 years. Not hearing or knowing about this subject before, gave me a better understanding of the news in a group of people different from mine. And the fact that they are protesting for something we should also care about (the destruction of land and the continuing climate change). I think this article was written to convey a specific message: not only is this land important to the Native tribe, but we should be concerned with the fact that this could be our land that is susceptible the firsthand effects of these oil pipelines. It could possible contaminate the air and water around their area, but what can we expect in the future? This shows the relevancy in our lives; if we aren't aware of what's happening to our Earth, we won't be able to stop the long term effects.
synthesis- Similarly, this article can be connected to the oppression that Native Americans were exposed to in the past. They were forced to give up their land just for the new settlers to gain their economic desires. Much like now those who are trying to make money in the oil industry are completely disregarding their effect on the land (special to those tribes),

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